Through the Eyes of a Child.

Do you interact with and create experiences by first looking through the eyes of the children you care for? What do they see, what do they hear, What do they understand, what are their emotions. What do they want to know about, and how would they like to spend their day with you?

Developmentally and Ability Appropriate

Everything you teach and provide must be developmentally, ability and culturally appropriate.

Safety and Relevant First

The curriculum and environment must first be safe physically, emotionally, and relevant for children to learn.

Child Centric Learning

A child’s ability to understand leads the learning process and the topics you provide in your classroom. Adult topics are not appropriate.

Responsibility of Teaching

Caring for young children must be taken seriously, professionally, and intentionally.

Managing Behavior

You cannot manage behavior. Give the children tools to manage their emotions and actions.

Respect the Family Relationship

The family relationship is for a lifetime. The classroom experience is only temporary.